playground borders usa

PLAYGROUND BORDERS USA Gallery of Playground Borders

Playground borders have many great features. They perform a valuable safety service by preventing your playground surfacing in a confined space. These playground borders are built to last, made from tough roto-molded plastic. These playground borders are incredibly simple to install, in just seconds. And finally, our playground borders are sleek and streamlined, offering a visually attractive look to your play area. On this page, you'll see various images of playground borders, in a variety of settings. They're available in a range of colors and several different sizes.

Playground Borders :: Individual Timbers
playground borders usa 4 foot model
4-foot black playground borders
(12" high)
, reverse side.
Note: Playground border is whown with 30" spike, which slots into place for storage. Click here for .PDF.
playground borders usa 8 inch tall model
4-foot black playground borders (8" high).
Note: Playground border is shown with spike, which slots
into place for storage. Click here for .PDF blueprint.

Playground Borders :: Installation
playground borders usa with spike
Here, the 30" vertical spike has been partly driven into the ground, connecting the overlapping ends of two playground
borders. To drive the spikes, you can use a
mallet or sledgehammer.

playground borders usa spike driven down
Once you have driven the vertical completely
into the ground, the playground borders hold
your play surfacing in place.
playground borders usa retro-fit system
Our retro-fit system lets you customize the lengths of individual playground borders to your area's
exact measurements.
playground borders usa with retro-fit system
This photo shows the playground borders' retro-fit system, collapsed to the desired length.

Playground Borders :: Playgrounds

playground borders usa look great

Playground borders look great, install easily, and keep your protective surfacing in place.

playground borders usa in green model
Green playground borders offer a visually pleasing match for the grassy
areas around your playgrounds.

playground borders usa retain rubber surfacing
Here, black playground borders retain the
rubber surfacing around the
Princess structure
(from SportsPlay, Inc.).
playground borders usa act as a retaining wall
Black playground borders retain the
safety woodchips around the
Thomas structure
(from SportsPlay, Inc.).
playground borders usa with shade
Blue playground borders offer a pleasing contrast to a red playground
shade structure
playground borders usa contrast with play lawn
Black playground borders also offer a nice contrast to the green lawn around
some play areas.
playground borders usa stone models
Faux stone playground borders look like real stone, without the weight or cost.
playground borders usa faux rock models
Faux rock playground borders offer 2 stone themes on the same border (each one
is reversible!).

playground borders usa faux stone models
Faux stone playground borders bring your play area a fun medieval look.

Playground Borders :: Sandboxes
playground borders usa sandboxes
Playground borders can also be used as sandboxes. Just overlap them in a square or rectangular design, and secure them with vertical spikes (provided).
playground borders usa kids in sandbox
Playground border sandboxes keep
the sand -- and the fun -- in one place!
playground borders usa sandbox corner When you build a sandbox using playground
borders, the playground borders lock together tightly to keep the sand in. In fact, the only time the sand will leave the sandbox will be because the kids carry it out of there in buckets!

Playground Borders :: Accessories

playground borders usa entrance rampPlayground Borders Entrance Ramp
We offer three heights of playground borders: 8", 9", and 12". For the 8" and 12" playground borders, we also offer entrance ramps. These sturdy ramps offer easy playground access to infants and special needs children. They're made from durable polyethylene, and they're compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
. The ramps secure to the playground borders
using two vertical spikes (included in price)

Part#: 902-503. Weight: 100 lbs. Cost: $699.00 for two angled sections (up and down)
$500.00 for one angled section

playground borders usa

305 W. Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 :: Toll Free (877) 840-0707 :: Local (301) 840-0707 | Commercial Playground Equipment | © 2010